The works of SilviaEly can also be seen in Artsy y Saatchi art
Exhibitions and Performances
"ArtBox Project" - Basel 1.0
"ArtBox Project" - Zurich 1.0
"Art Box Project" - Armory Art Weeks - New York 1.0
“ART takes Soho” SeeMe Collective - New York
“Parallax Art Fair” - London
“Parallax Art Fair” - Manchester
“Her History” SeeMe Collective - Jane Hotel, New York
Solo Exhibition “Under Water” - 722°, Fuerteventura, Spain
“H.A.P.” Annual Peace Art Contest - ALPHA Education
First Prize “LICC” - London
“Art Box Project” - Miami, Florida
“Arte Laguna Prize” - Venice, Italy
“Art in All Its Forms” - Colectivo Imaginarte, Barcelona, Spain
Solo Exhibition “Animals” - Riot Club, Fuerteventura, Spain
“ART Save the World” SeeMe Collective - New York
“ART Goes to Miami” SeeMe Collective - Miami, Florida
“Self-Portraits” - Colectivo Imaginarte, C.Civic Can Verdaguer, Barcelona, Spain
“ART in Transition” SeeMe Collective - The Jane Hotel, New York
Performance “Origin” Live Fluor Art & Body Painting - Fuerteventura, Spain, with installations Fluor “In the Jungle”
“Art Box Project” - Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Performance TOUR with “Vientos Flamencos” Music & Live Painting - 3 months/11 EU countries
Performance “Underwater” Art & Tribal Make-Up - Fuerteventura, Spain, with LED installations “Medusas”
“Aria, Acqua, Terra, Fuoco: The 4 Elements” - Galería GARD, Rome, Italy
“The Shape of Water” Solo Exhibition - Galería GARD, Rome, Italy
March 2018: Featured Artist in WOTisART - Liverpool Art Magazine
April 2019: Interview in Mi Pueblo - Fuerteventura, Spain
April 2020: Publication in Candifloss Magazine, Birthday Special Edition - London
May 2020: Live Interview on COPE Radio, Fuerteventura, Spain
November 2022: Publication in The Canarian n.26, Fuerteventura, Spain